Sometimes a break is really needed!
I didn’t write anything on this blog for a while. Sometimes a break is needed. A short break is enough. I started riding a bike a few years ago when I realized how devastating sitting all day long is. For measuring a bit better my stress score after those rides I used Huawei watch. After longer bike rides (~100 km) I was accepting the tips from watch without any thinking. It’s a sport watch, so it should know my habits and estimate results based on my rides. Then the one-day something strange happened. I have to restart the watch. So I did it and as a tester I was trying to obstufcate the process as long as I can during first time boot. Then the welcome screen appeared, and this information was visible. “Czas regeneracji” means in polish: recovery time. It’s over 4000 days to regenerate! I lost completely trust to this device and started to treat this information as informational only. Good that I didn’t need so much time to write another post.