Does your system is ready for the year 1901?
It is worth considering how computers count time. Some of them use the moment of their birth, therefore, on January 1, 1970, and then count down the seconds that have elapsed since that time. This is how epoch arises. For your PC device time is 1584036251 or 1584036252 if this was one second later. This starting point has number 0000000000 but for how long this will be enough? About 18 years from now. So this number above is 32 bit signed integer. And this time is slowly coming to an end. That is, the assigned number for this type ends.
When will it happen?
There is still time. Specifically, it is January 19, 2038, 03:14:07 UTC. However, what does this mean for software that will be used during this time?
First of all, computers can go back to the previous century again but only conventionally. The systems will continue to operate, however, this may affect processing and time display. Which unfortunately means that if you have not tested your system or correctly calculates the time in the previous century, it may have a problem with proper operation after January 19, 2038.
What time is it?
So what will happen exactly after January 19, 2038 03:14:07 UTC. Some systems may display a negative date for this type! So we’ll have December 13, 1901, 20:45:53 UTC. If you don’t know why this happens, you must read about variable types. But let’s get back to software testing.
First of all, this is a known bug with which we live daily, slowly with the development of systems this issue is corrected in applications that assign more memory to support time.
Secondly, if the operations are scheduled as a tester, check whether they will be performed after January 19, 2038. If so, your system is resistant to a possible failure with the potential problem of calculating the correct time.